
Frequently asked questions

  • Which cryptocurrency exchange do you refer to?
    The Top Players
  • Which Crypto Coins are included in CoinKrack?
    All USDT pairs in Binance
  • How is this app different from other Crypto Alerting platforms?
    Other platforms show you alert features that already exist on the exchanges. We only show you Bullish Cryptocurrencies and Rally coins that are on the verge of a breakout.
  • Is CoinKrack a Crypto Exchange?
    No. CoinKrack merely notifies you of crypto spikes.
  • What does the number in the notifications mean?
    The number is a count of how many times that particular crypto has spiked within the last 24 hours.
  • What do we get in the 7 Day Trial period?
    You can access all the features on the app
  • Where can i use the app?
    Its available only for Tablets and Smartphones
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